When it Comes to Movement, Less Really is MORE
DK Ciccone DK Ciccone

When it Comes to Movement, Less Really is MORE

Over and over again I have seen that intentional movement every day, for ANY amount of time is far superior to doing nothing at all, or even doing one super strenuous thing one day a week. What we want is to train our bodies and minds to maintain, and maybe even expand, functional ability over our lifespans. It is the long game we are after. Also, we want to figure out the incredibly difficult conundrum of making enough time and space in our lives to nurture our bodies and minds. Everything about our modern lives fights this and so trying to just make room for movement in any way is a big win all on its own.

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The Self-Care Practice You Neglect Most Might be the Most Important
DK Ciccone DK Ciccone

The Self-Care Practice You Neglect Most Might be the Most Important

One of the magical things that happens when you get a chance to start spending time with inspiring, trailblazing women, is that you start to realize that they are burdened by the same fears, insecurities and self-doubt as the rest of us. It is very easy to feel like there’s this great divide between people who are capable of doing amazing things and people who are not.

What I am realizing more and more is that EVERYONE who wants to can do amazing things. The difference is having the courage to do them even when everything inside is screaming “NOT YOU!!!!!” THIS ISN’T FOR YOU!!!” Oh, my dear, but it is.

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