Get the most out of the Movement Remedies approach no matter where you are.
You’re Meant to Move: A Guide to Conquering Chronic Pain, Increasing Stress Resilience, and Reclaiming an Active Life is now available on Amazon worldwide!
Our Mission is to Make Movement Enjoyable for Every Body
When low back pain stole my dream of being on Broadway, I was 13 years old. Moving was a part of my identity and dancing was when I felt most alive. I was committed to figuring out how to move again.
My saga with pain has had many hills and valleys over the years, but what I know to be true is that the following things have been essential to finding lasting relief and movement confidence:
Understanding the science of pain and the nervous system
Surrounding myself with people who knew exactly when and how much to challenge me to keep trying
Allowing myself the space and empathy to face my fears and grief
These are the pillars of the Movement Remedies approach to helping clients conquer chronic pain and reclaim their right to an active life.
You deserve to feel good in your body!
I have helped dozens of clients in debilitating pain find joy in moving their bodies again.
Using the Pilates method and its full breadth of equipment, I work with my clients to create movement programs around their unique goals and needs so they feel empowered to move every day, for the rest of their lives.
Frequently Asked Questions
Offering a weight-neutral movement space means that all bodies are welcome and weight is not how we measure health. It also means that weight loss isn’t going to be part of the conversation when we discuss your movement goals and you will always be encouraged to speak kindly about all bodies (yours as well as others).
Absolutely not! There is no experience required in any kind of exercise modality whatsoever—not even Pilates—before you come in. We will come up with a movement program that meets each person’s unique needs and experience.
In general, the answer to this is YES!! Of course you should always act in accordance with the guidance of your medical team. But if you don’t have a new injury, you will most likely feel better after moving rather than resting.
Yes! Many of our clients choose to work privately via Zoom, either due to distance or convenience. Restorative Pilates Mat classes are also available virtually, as are many of our workshops.
Additionally, I will be opening up spots in my coaching program later this year. To find out more, get on the waitlist.

Contact Us
Interested in organizing a workshop, collaboration or special event? Have questions about our services?
I look forward to hearing from you!
+44 7448 679524
+1 617-807-0366