Finding Balance After Self-Care Overwhelm
As I found myself reflecting over the recent holiday break and wondering what is next for me, my business, and my journey in life; the self-care overwhelm set in. With so many tools at my disposal, my attention has been scattered, my efforts came in fits and starts, and then I would feel guilty about the things I had purchased that were gathering dust on the shelves (or in my inbox). If I were to take every single tool and book and course that I had compiled, there simply would not be enough time for me to do anything but self-improvement full time for the next 12 months. It's just not sustainable. I felt trapped. I had to come face-to-face with the fact that there is such a thing as too much self-care. I started wondering how I could approach my path to betterment in 2025 in a way that felt balanced and supportive. And sufficient.

My Response to the Most Asked Question: What Exercises Will Help my Pain?
When it comes to chronic pain, there is no single answer or framework that I use when teaching movement. People are often seeking a particular set of exercises or some kind of transformative formula that can be applied to everyone’s pain situation. But it just doesn’t work like that. Each person will have unique obstacles, limiting beliefs and blindspots that require tailored attention. What I have found makes the difference is not so much what exercises you are doing, but the intention, consistency and accountability surrounding the movement practice.

Thoughts on My First Book Release!
The day has finally come: my very first book is on sale on Amazon as of this morning. If I am being honest with myself, this feels rather anticlimactic. The journey of writing a book has been such a rollercoaster with emotional highs and lows–but also incredibly tedious. I have a new-found respect for those who take on the challenge of self-publishing because there is so much that goes on behind the scenes.
But here she is. Clear as day. Out in the world for all to see (stomach starts turning). While I have no idea what exactly will come next I have this great big audacious goal of helping 5,000 people reclaim the joy of movement that pain once stole, through this book.

The Self-Care Practice You Neglect Most Might be the Most Important
One of the magical things that happens when you get a chance to start spending time with inspiring, trailblazing women, is that you start to realize that they are burdened by the same fears, insecurities and self-doubt as the rest of us. It is very easy to feel like there’s this great divide between people who are capable of doing amazing things and people who are not.
What I am realizing more and more is that EVERYONE who wants to can do amazing things. The difference is having the courage to do them even when everything inside is screaming “NOT YOU!!!!!” THIS ISN’T FOR YOU!!!” Oh, my dear, but it is.