Thoughts on My First Book Release!
The day has finally come: my very first book is on sale on Amazon as of this morning. If I am being honest with myself, this feels rather anticlimactic. The journey of writing a book has been such a rollercoaster with emotional highs and lows–but also incredibly tedious. I have a new-found respect for those who take on the challenge of self-publishing because there is so much that goes on behind the scenes.
But here she is. Clear as day. Out in the world for all to see (stomach starts turning). While I have no idea what exactly will come next I have this great big audacious goal of helping 5,000 people reclaim the joy of movement that pain once stole, through this book.

How Stress Resilient is Your Team?
I would argue that a challenge you CAN solve, though, is your own awareness of how stress affects you. And before you say, “it isn’t affecting me:” it is even if you don’t notice it. Our species has evolved to process a particular threshold of information and human connections that has been greatly surpassed in the past century, with exponential growth in particular since the social media explosion of recent years. So whether stress has entered your consciousness today or whether your nervous system has found some way to compartmentalize it until some future time, I guarantee you that you are affected by stress.