How Stress Resilient is Your Team?
I would argue that a challenge you CAN solve, though, is your own awareness of how stress affects you. And before you say, “it isn’t affecting me:” it is even if you don’t notice it. Our species has evolved to process a particular threshold of information and human connections that has been greatly surpassed in the past century, with exponential growth in particular since the social media explosion of recent years. So whether stress has entered your consciousness today or whether your nervous system has found some way to compartmentalize it until some future time, I guarantee you that you are affected by stress.

Change Your Movement Mindset to Exploration
We often say that movement is medicine. But physical activity might not feel very therapeutic if in the past it has been associated with pain. In order to get back to a place of confidence and comfort with movement, we have to first change our mindset to one of exploration. This is an essential part of the Movement Remedies approach when working with chronic pain clients who want to get active again but don't know where to start.

Does Dieting Increase the Risk of Chronic Pain?
Even if you manage to free yourself from the grip of diet culture, the time spent pursuing a smaller body will likely have resulted in complete neglect of your physical sensations for so long that it becomes a conditioned behavior. Many people with long term dysregulated relationships with food will have completely compartmentalized their emotional selves from their physical selves, such that they are virtually numb.