Thoughts on My First Book Release!
The day has finally come: my very first book is on sale on Amazon as of this morning. If I am being honest with myself, this feels rather anticlimactic. The journey of writing a book has been such a rollercoaster with emotional highs and lows–but also incredibly tedious. I have a new-found respect for those who take on the challenge of self-publishing because there is so much that goes on behind the scenes.
But here she is. Clear as day. Out in the world for all to see (stomach starts turning). While I have no idea what exactly will come next I have this great big audacious goal of helping 5,000 people reclaim the joy of movement that pain once stole, through this book.

My First Podcast Experience
The story of how I got on the Bold Like Her podcast is really a testament to the power of networking. A good friend and colleague of mine named Runa ended up moving to the Boston area a few years ago from Hartford, CT, where we had first met when I was in health management consulting. When I first made the jump out of full-time corporate life, Runa came to visit me to catch up and get a taste of my new career in Pilates. Fast forward a few years and Runa puts me in touch with her friend and colleague, Tracy. Not only is Tracy also an aspiring entrepreneur—a Registered Dietician who is setting up her own unique approach to nutrition coaching services—but she also lives about 3 blocks from me in the same neighborhood.